Sunday 6 October 2019

UN World Habitat Day

Frontier technologies, such as automation, robotics, electric vehicles, renewable energy technologies, bio-technologies and artificial intelligence, can possibly transform the social, economic and environmental spheres. They offer the potential of better, cheaper, faster, scalable and easy to use solutions for every-day problems, including waste management. They also present opportunities for developing countries to leapfrog towards less efficient technologies and implement social innovations. In line with these possibilities, the New Urban Agenda calls for enhanced cooperation and knowledge exchange on science, technology and innovation that will influence the development of current and future urban areas in the world.

UN-Habitat’s Waste Wise Cities Campaign supports cities in monitoring their waste flows to transform them into valuable resources and opportunities. Has your city joined the campaign?

Last year some 80 cities around the world held events to mark World Habitat Day. If your community if making World Habitat Day or Urban October please post your event to our map, so others can see it.

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