Friday 11 October 2019

A girl's perspective of girls LIFE in India!

GIRLS WE ARE DEFINITELY UNSCRIPTED AND UNSTOPPABLE FORCE ♥️ Escaping from foeticide in our mom's womb, escaping from infacticide after birth, dealing with improper breastfeeding (strong myth girl children must not be breastfed for a longer time and more frequently), we survived on smaller portion of food (mostly leftover foods are provided), inadequate love and care from parents and society, denied education, unhygienic conditions... Etc..

Yes, We survived it all.. Thanks to our parents who decided for having us and bringing us up.
We survived through unwritten rules of society, parents demanded us to follow them.

We survived body shaming and gender abuses. "Oh, no, you have a girl child"😞. "Why is your daughter looking dark and stout?? Do something to make her skin look fair."
We survived sarcastic comments on our beauty status.

We survived through years of training given by our parents and society for marriage. We were denied education, we were denied nutritious meal because we were considered a burden, a buggage - that will leave thier parents in the name of marriage and will not support thier future.

"Do not speak much, put your head down and walk, sit properly, get yourself completely wrapped up in clothes, don't speak to other men, don't sit in front of men, don't raise your voice, be quiet," we survived when our voices were suppressed! The purpose of any Indian girl's life is marriage! (According to society )

We resisted all of them!

We survived beatings, abuse, disrespect, domestic violence in a country which worships and builds temples for women goddesses. Where Maa Durga is celebrated! (And only for ten days every year)

We survived, Discriminative treatment at home, "you are girl, your brother needs to eat well, not you".
We survived , starrs at our body parts by strangers on roads!
We survived, those cold nights sleeping outside of our homes during monthly periods. "You can not enter temple, you should not step into the kitchen."
We survived periods without restrooms, sanitary pads and proper nutrition.

We survived child marriage, being a child mother... Many of us reading this escaped from it, but our sisters have died while giving birth. Do you know why??? They were children, then, to give birth to another child!

Following unwritten rules many a times sounded easy. Many children have been pushed into slave trade in the name of marriage, yes, Haryana with lowest sex ratio can tell you stories of girl children suffering. Is it always right to follow the unwritten rules?

Society's unframed rule book has destroyed many girls' lives in our society. To men, parents and society, we are demanding for equality, equal treatment on par with a boy child. We don't want any previleges.

Men and society who feel , girls have been treated on par with boy, why do we observe International girl child day? Why beti bachao, beti padao scheme???

I personally have experienced many of these issues mentioned above! As a women, as a girl, it is not easy to survive the patriarchy prevalent in our society. With Indian constitution assuring equality, with a reality of fighting for 33% reservation @ Indian Parliament.

We survived it! We kept inspiring others, we will continue to, CUDDOS to all girls and women who survived all of these! YOU ARE A WARRIOR , A FIGHTER, WE FOUGHT UNKNOWN BATTLES WITH THE POWER OF COMPASSION.

Remember, No girl child -No women - No child birth - No next generation - No human race!

Request to our men and society - Nurture girl child, empower us, we will make you all proud. We need a place ,where we can grow and shine!

Thank you , Father for bringing up your daughters who can fight through and stand for other girls!
We salute parents like you, who empower thier girl child and teach them equality!

We opt for equality and gender nuetrality! Yes, I'm a feminist, but I don't hate men! We are here to fight for equality and not previleges.

#savegirlchild #feminismseries

NOTE: Opinions expressed are based on personal experiences and factual information.

❤️ SpReAd LoVe❤️❣️...
It does not cost much!
Team Vita thesaurum 🏳️
- Priya Kirubanandan


  1. Women's are the greatest power thanks Priya to remember who I'm today

    1. You are welcome poulin♥️ thanks for reading.we are happy that you have unleashed your inner potential after reading our post. All the best! Go girl! ♥️ Follow us and keep supporting us.

  2. "Womens are the special offers from the god" you prove that& taught how to respect the womens -PRIYA(Vita Theasure)

    1. Thank you Sharan 😊 this really means alot. This is exact purpose of this post. Happy we reached the purpose. Please do share and follow us. You support is much needed and requested.

  3. Ur words are valuableπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ each and every words are true and am also experienced few in these im satisfied wid these one ma thank u and im proud of me bcos im also living as my life my parents rules....

    1. Thank you Sai Durga! Your comments really means alot. πŸ˜€ Keep following us and sharing our work with your friends and contacts. Let's create a change!

  4. Yeah what you have said are exactly right, nobody was born to threat others, everything creates as per parents and teachers influences on atleast hereafter itself,we have to educate our children in the context of equality and gender neutrality
    And everyone have to speak up their experiences with some believable one...coz every solutions are came only while speak up with others
    So you can speak up your experiences here...This initiative is great may helpful to educate others and paves the way for behavior change to both present as well as future generations

    1. Thank you so much joker for your futuristic thinking! Thanks for reading our post. Please do like, follow and share our blog. This will definitely help our readers

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Words are lit.. Such an inspiring words for women out there.


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